Frequetly Asked Questions

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Frequetly Asked Questions


Hospital Hours of Operation?
【First-time Patients】 8:30~11:30 and 12:30~16:30
【Follow-up Patients】 7:45~11:30 and 12:30~16:30
【Admission】 8:30~17:00 (It may change. Please ask a staff for further information)
*Hospital Hours of Operation may vary depending on clinical departments.
Can I see a doctor without an appointment?
It varies depending on clinical department. Some clinical departments do not take walk-in patients as first-time or follow-up patients.
Please contact us in advance.
Do I need a referral?
It varies depending on clinical departments. Please confirm with the department concerned when making your appointment.
you will be asked to pay 7,700 JPY as a "fee for treatment of patients' choice", in addition to the first visit fee if you visit without a referral letter.
Lost Patient ID card or left it at home
Patient ID card can be reissued with the re-issue fee of 220 JPY.
Left a National Health Insurance card at home
You need to pay out of the pocket up front. Reimbursement will be done when you bring a valid National Health Insurance card to Follow-up patient counter by the end of the month of your consultation after paperwork.
Do you take a credit card?
You can use Visa、Master、JCB、AMERICAN EXPRESS、Diners Club、NICOS
Is there an ATM in the hospital?
An ATM is available. Additional fee will be charged when you use a bank cash card other than KIRABOSHI bank. You can find a convenience store across our hospital. You can find an ATM there
Documentation (Insurance claim form, medical certificate etc.)
You will fill out an application form at First-time patient counter to request documents.
It usually takes 2~3 weeks or even one month for you to get it
Can I see a doctor outside hospital hours, Sunday or during national holidays?
Emergency patient can be seen by a doctor since IUHW Mita hospital is accredited as Designated Emergency Hospital.
However clinical consultation may be difficult depending on medical condition outside hospital hours, Sunday or during national holidays.
Outpatient attending doctor can be changed to a different doctor?
It is possible that absence of a doctor without a notice or prior appointment is required in advance.
Please contact us in advance.
I am not sure which clinical department I should go?
No problem. You can tell that to a receptionist or a switchboard operator who will ask guide you to an appropriate Department by asking questions.


Can a doctor give a prescription over the phone?
No. Please see a doctor to get one.
When pharmacy is open to pick up medication?
From 8:30~17:30


How can I schedule an appointment for examination?
You can schedule your appointment during consultation.
How can I change my appointment?
Please contact clinical departments.

Inpatient & Visitors

Could you tell me the hospital’s visiting hours?
Visiting hours are 13:00-19:00 daily, including Sundays and national holidays.
Can I take my child to the ward?
In general, children under 15 years old are not allowed to visit the ward considering infection risk.
Is there any procedure to follow in order to visit a patient?
Please go to the guard station at east entrance on the 1st floor or disaster prevention and management center on the basement to fill out a permission slip. and get a visitor pass. You return it to a guard when you leave the hospital.
Can I bring food?
Visitors are not allowed to bring food because they can interfere with their treatment.
Can I stay in the hospital to accompany a patient?
Visitor is not allowed to stay to accompany a patient in general.
I would like to check if my relative is in the hospital or not.
Personal information cannot be disclosed in principle.
How is the hospital meal?
Patients who can eat normal meal can choose one of two options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Meal is served 8;00~ (breakfast), lunch 12:00~、dinner 18:00~.
Do you have towel and pajama rental?
Unfortunately, we do not have any rentals. Please bring them in.
Can the hospital accept valuable items for storage?
Please use the safety box in your room. Please do not bring valuables and large amount of money to avoid losing them.


Is hospital parking available?
On-site hospital parking is available on the basement but spaces are limited. It takes some time to park and get out of it due to the mechanical parking system. Parking fee is 100 yen per 10 minutes.
Is restaurant available?
Restaurant “AUBE” is available on the 11th floor,
Opening hour is 10:30~18:00 Monday through Saturday. (Last order is1at 17:30)
Is there any shop or café?
Shop and are on the 2nd floor. Café has a seating area along with bakery. You can enjoy freshly baked bread and drinks purchased in the shop there. Shop 8:00~19:00 Café 8:00~17:00
Shop and café are open year around.
Can I send a package from the hospital?
Packages can be sent from the shop on the second floor. Japan Post is available. Please prepare the package and bring them in during shop opening hour (8:00~19:00).
Are there English-speaking doctors or medical interpreters?
Some doctors speak English. Some staff can be a medical interpreter, but you cannot make an appointment in advance.
I left something in the hospital. How can I get it back?
Lost and Found is on the basement. Please come to the general reception.
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